New National Cyber Security Agenda published by the Netherlands

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The Dutch Government has recently published its National Cyber Security Agenda (NCSA).

The NCSA comprises seven ambitions that contribute towards the following objective: The Netherlands is capable of capitalizing on the economic and social opportunities of
digitalisation in a secure way and of protecting national security in the digital domain.

  1. The Netherlands has adequate digital capabilities to detect, mitigate and respond decisively to cyber threats
  2. The Netherlands contributes to international peace and security in the digital domain
  3. The Netherlands is at the forefront of digitally secure hardware and software
  4. The Netherlands has resilient digital processes and a robust infrastructure
  5.  The Netherlands has successful barriers against cybercrime
  6. The Netherlands leads the way in the field of cybersecurity knowledge development
  7. The Netherlands has an integrated and strong publicprivate approach to cybersecurity

The full strategy is available in English here.

A short overview of the actions mentioned in the National Cyber Security Agenda is illustrated with an infographic.


For more information on the status of the development or update of a Cyber Security Strategy in countries around Europe, see also ENISA's National Cyber Security Strategies Interactive map.